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Therapeutic Approaches


Psychodynamic psychotherapy helps clients to explore the ways in which early relationships and emotional expectations have influenced their current difficulties. Clients are not only helped to become aware of their unconscious behaviors, but they are also assisted in exploring how these behaviors have served them. Only after the behaviors are understood and accepted, can individuals work through these emotions with the psychotherapist. The unhealthy behaviors slowly lose their power as they are replaced with healthier means of relating and coping.

Attachment Model

Another crucial aspect of treatment is the development of healthy relationship experiences to replace inadequate earlier ones. The consistency of the developing relationship with the psychotherapist provides a solid foundation from which clients can begin to heal old emotional wounds and ultimately allow themselves to engage fully in their current relationships.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Through structured exercises, I help my clients to connect their thoughts, emotions and behavior patterns. I will also incorporate exposure techniques to reduce avoidance behaviors that are negatively effecting my clients. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can be useful in helping clients with symptoms of depression, anxiety, eating disorders and compulsive behaviors. Clients learn to manage their symptoms with healthier coping mechanisms.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

This approach was created by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. for patients who present with difficulties in modulating their emotions, tolerating distress, managing interpersonal relationships, and remaining present in their everyday lives. This mode of treatment has been shown to be effective in the management of eating disorders symptoms as well as depression and anxiety.


Within the frameworks discussed above, the in-the-moment interactions between therapist and client are interpreted which helps clients to gain awareness of their manner of relating with others. Clients are then able to make conscious changes to repair or enhance their current relationships.

Group Therapy (Process Group)

I offer Group Therapy in the form of a small Process Group with a maximum of 6 clients.  In a Process Group, clients tend to reenact the same relational behaviors which they exhibit in their "real" lives into the dynamics of the therapy room.  Clients are then given the space to understand and practice relational skills in a safe environment. I will give clients gentle feedback on how their behavior impacts others, help them to enhance their communication and connect with others in a meaningful way.

Eating Disorder Therapy Group

My Eating Disorder psychotherapy groups provide a supportive atmosphere where individuals struggling with various forms of eating disorders are offered guidance and therapeutic interventions.  When treating individuals with eating disorders, I emphasize Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size® principles.



28494 Westinghouse Place, Suite 314, Valencia, Santa Clarita, California 91355
United States

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